individual/hi-res images here: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


sorry about the gif quality huahah i was gonna make it a swf but then there were too many steps involved in uploading it and then i got tired :V

so!! this is officially It for chapter one! thanks so much for reading!

unfortunately, while chapter two is in the works, it’s gonna be a while before it launches and so the comic is going on hiatus again for the forseeable future. i’ve got a Very Pressing Project on my plate that needs immediate attention and as much as i tried to balance that + the comic over the past year, i just wasn’t able to do it. one of them always ended up getting dropped for months at a time, which wasn’t fun for anyone involved and left me feeling in a constant state of guilt. anyway, now that this part of the comic is Done, in a sense, i feel like i’m able to tend to the other project and finally finish that up.

making this comic has been an interesting experience, and i really do enjoy it! but one of the things i definitely need to work on before i get back into it is time management, haha. i was diagnosed with adhd about nine months ago and while it’s been relieving in a lot of ways to know that i’m not just a lazy dumbass what can’t do shit, it’s also… difficult. i’ve got decades of bad habits to unlearn and trying to implement good routines and schedules with a brain that is actively allergic to those things is A Process. plus there’s medication regimens to figure out, like trying to suss the sweet spot between Dose That Makes You Actually Function vs Dose That Makes You Function Too Well And You End Up Hyperfixating On Art To The Point Where A Drawing That’s Supposed To Take You One Hour Ends Up Taking Five :V

all that to say, I GOT BRAIN PROBLEMS but i’m trying my best, and i really do enjoy making this comic but i need to take a break to work on other things that have been neglected. i wanna come back to this comic without feeling guilty that i have other things due, and also when i’m able to keep it on a consistent update schedule and not vanish for weeks or months at a time, haha. hopefully that won’t be too far in the future though!

ANYWAY, thank you so much for reading and sticking with me thus far! it means more to me than i can say. the fact that people are actually reading this thing still catches me off-guard, hahah. i treasure every comment, every email, everyone who’s taken time out of their day to check out this little comic. thanks so so much for your support 😀

Twined is going on indefinite hiatus but i hope to see you all again real soon!!